Hello my lovely readers,
Sorry for not updating any entry today. At the moment kami semua adalah sedang sakit. My two kidos are having flu, batuk & fever. As for me dah start sakit tekak. All of us dah jumpa doctor, my two kidos are getting better, demam dah makin kebah.
So until saya sembuh kembali, then only i will update my blog ya. Doakan kami semua cepat sembuh.
Sorry for not updating any entry today. At the moment kami semua adalah sedang sakit. My two kidos are having flu, batuk & fever. As for me dah start sakit tekak. All of us dah jumpa doctor, my two kidos are getting better, demam dah makin kebah.
So until saya sembuh kembali, then only i will update my blog ya. Doakan kami semua cepat sembuh.
oh dear...
take care ok..
one of our fren pun.. her kid is admitted now..
pray for him as well ok..
siapa yg kena admitted? at the moment aku & the kids kena quarantin kat rumah for few days.
makan ubat b,, hope getting better..take care.
nanti ada masa aku wat tag ko.tq anyway
get well soon.. :)
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