We had plan for this surprise bday party a month ago. Pilih punya pilih we chose Kokopelli for the event. Kami pilih utk buat kat luar, konon nak ala2 santai di mlm hari, tapi end up sgt2 la panas. "Berpoloh2 kepala aqil ni mama."

Sebelum that someone special sampai utk diraikan, kami sibuk mentouch up apa yg patut sebelum majlis bermula. " Who's not signing the card yet, please do so".

Zul tgh write something on the bday card.

Susun ballons.

Put all the candles, byk uols kena letak. 55 candles.

Dah mcm tauke kedai kekdahnya. We had pre order (ada kisah tak menarik, later citer), so all the food list dah ada kat tangan, ini just to reconfirm.

The cake is ready & the cake is so yummy. Done by

The committee members, julie, amy, shai & me. Well done girls. Kamilah yg bertungkus lumus menjayakan surprise bday party ni. Bukan senang nak make sure semua tutup mulut before the event.

The boys, zul, my bil mahathir, my father & my bil angkat muza.

My mom & cucu2 yg suka membuli opah.

Posing before the event started.

Semua adalah tgh bersedia menunggu org yg nak di surprise dtg. Kami pulak yg berdebar2, yala takut tak menjadi, kut2 dah terpecah lubang ke, the bday girl sudah tau ke. we don't know.

Nak tau what happened next? Mcmana reaction someone special tu. Surprise bday ni menjadi atau tidak. And yes, this is someone special yg kami nak membeli something special that i blog last week. Mcm berbelit je aku tulis ni, korang pahamkan. Nak tau apa yg kami beli. Stay tune ya .............
Ah!! Cepatla next entry!! Hehe
lawa giler la cake tuh..
nak makan pun tak sampai hati.. comey...
ni mesti.. tak yr mom.. yr dad nyer birthday eh.. hehehehe
tunggu pukul 2pm.
cake skrg sangat2 cantikkan, mmg sayang nak makan.
heheheh tunggu karang entry pukul 2, bday sapa.
cesss.. aku shilap daaa.. hehehehe
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