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Friday, March 4, 2011

Sometimes people will totally forget about your kindness because of one mistake.

I put this on my fb status last night.  And i got this few comments, mmg tak byk, org dah balik rumah dah time tu, lepak2 relax2 kat rumah, ada yg dah tak bukak fb, ya ke. for those yg tak de internet on phone aku rasa mmg malas la nak on pc kan.  Tapi for those yg ada internet on phone,  mmg rasanya baring nak tidur pun still on internet.  Itu aku la. hehehee. Pernah sedar pagi2 and internet is still on, on my mobile, sampai tertidur surf internet tu. Anyway, what do you think about the status?  Do you agree with it?  Very true kan.

kadang2 aku rasa mcm org tak boleh nak buat salah, buat salah sikit, apa kebaikan kita dulu mcm terus dilupakan.  Not to mention those who are near to us la, mcm bff ke, family ke,  they are always beside us no matter what kan.  Tapi ada certain2 people la,  selama ni kita punyala baik dgn dia, sekali tersilap mcm dah tak de kebaikan yg pernah kita buat.  Dlm dunia ni Nobody's perfect right. Semua ada kekurangan & kelebihan masing2. Kalau ada masa tersilap langkah, tersilap kata itu biasala kan, kalau selalu yg jadi luar biasa.

We have to learn how to accept this fact,  manusia akan sentiasa melalukan kesalahan.  Kesalahan kita pada Allah pun bykkan & Allah sentiasa terima maaf kita.

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