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Monday, October 26, 2009

Breastfeeding & Baby Stuff

Breastfeeding is very good for your baby, sgt2 bagus ok. For those mummy yg tgh pregnant, or even masih dlm pantang, byk2kan la baca info mengenai breastfeeding, Try your best to breastfeed your baby, I know some of them had difficulties tapi cuba and cuba insyallah berjaya.

Well I'm not going to talk about breastfeeding panjang2, itu in the next entry around this week insyallah, nanti i'm going to share my breastfeeding experience. Skrg ni aku nak cerita pasal the best bottle for breastfeeding baby.

Usually anak2 yg breastfeeding ni bila mak dia nak pergi kerja je mesti ada problem utk switch to bottle. Aqil & Mikhael dulu pun mcm2 bottle aku tukar. Last2 jumpa jugak. The best bottle yg aku rasa la, it's the best for mikhael, time aqil dulu bottle ni belum keluar lagi. Breast flow bottle by first years, puting dia sgt lembut & design ni mcm breast. The price for 5oz is RM21.90, 9 oz RM24.90. Kalau nak beli 3 sekali 5oz is RM59.90 & 9oz RM69.90. Ada jual kat sogo, parkson & internet.

Puting dia berharga RM14.90 utk 2.

Ha ni sgtla penting ya, selepas 2 weeks bersalin please pump your milk & store in the freezer. It can last up to 3 months. Letak dlm plastic lebih mudah sbb akan dpt lebih byk space dlm freezer. This one cost you RM49.90 for 25 pieces. Tapi kalau nak berjimat cermat mcm aku ni, wait for my breastfeed experience entry nanti aku citerkan.

Nak bedung baby? Mestila kena bedung kan. Tak payah susah2 pakai kain. My experience pakai kain, aduhai asyik terbukak je, sbb my baby sgt buas, kejap2 kena betul kan. So for my 2nd baby, my cousin hadiahkan ni, bedung moden. Thank you so much sbb hadiahkan ni, sgt senang, zap-zap je. budak buas mcmana pun takkan tertanggal. RM49.90

Senang kan cara2 nak bedung kan baby guna ni.

Ada yg complain kata susah la nak breastfeeding kat public, malaysia ni masih kekurangan nursing room. Mmg betul pun kan. Time aqil dulu aku kadang breastfeed dlm fitting room. Tapi time mikhael tak payah susah2 dah, kat mana2 pun boleh breastfeeding dia. Nursing wrap sgt2la membantu. Sangkut je kat bahu, tada breastfeedla kat mana pun.

Sambil aku jln2 tengok bottle, pergila kat NUK ni, aqil using NUK dr kecil sampaila skrg. NUK ni pun ok gak, puting dia lembut, just puting dia tak berbentuk breast je. Tengok punya tengok ternampak bottle glass ni, apa motif diorng buat bottle glass ya. mau pecah kalau aqil & mikhael pakai, diorng lepas habis minum kadang main campak je.

Bottle brush RM35. Mak ai mahalnya, aku selalu beli kurang dr RM10 je.

Cantik pulak aku tengok Buggy MacLaren ni. Rm699.

For those yg ada budget lebih, aku sarankan ambik stroller quinny ni, Sekali dgn car seat. RM1,699. Dia boleh lipat2, letak kat tempat kaki je, jimat byk space. For me sgt2 worth it.


Che Ta said...

baby, i tried botol first years tu.. mmg lembut tp aliya tak suka..hmm dia mmg kalau mummy ada jgn hrp le dia nk botol..

and botol kaca tu sebab to avoid the 'plactic efect' yg selalu ada kat botol plastic, yg chemical sumer2 bpa mak nenet tu rasanya... kan bila kena air panas, botol kaca lebih resistant dan takde release apa2 harmful chemical.
tp leh tahan ke kalau budak baling2 hehe

ceritacherita said...

che ta,
so aliya skrg pakai bottle apa?

ha betul la tu kan, bottle kaca lebih elok dr plastic, tapi utk budak2 yg suka baling2 lepas minum, dr elok jadi tak elok.


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